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Writer's pictureAntonio Tsialas Foundation

November 2023 Newsletter

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Gratitude as one of the pillars of compassionate leadership

Gratitude is one of the pillars of compassionate leadership. When we lead our lives with appreciation, we feel abundant and resourceful. Being in this state of mind allows us to see the beauty in others. We respect them and connect with them in their own humanity. This in turn creates greater cohesion in any organization.

On a personal level, gratitude enables us to value ourselves more and empowers us to make safe and compassionate choices. A mindset of gratitude helps us to find opportunities, even when we are faced with significant challenges.

This Thanksgiving let us take inventory of all the people and things for which we are grateful. From that space of abundance and possibilities, we extend our compassion to all the people that are currently suffering, ill or in danger!

We challenge you to move beyond empathy and put that compassion into action finding ways to support your friends, family and community. Remember: every action contributes to change.

Together we say YES to LIFE!

With much love and gratitude

Flavia Tomasello-ATLF Co-Founder



Christopher Tsialas

ATLF Ambassador.

I'm grateful for ATLF because it has taught me how to be compassionate with myself and with others inside and outside our meetings. The knowledge that I gained from being an ATLF ambassador has changed my way of thinking and has impacted me as a person and as a member of teams. I enjoy our conversations and listening to the different perspectives each ambassadors brings. Then, I share that knowledge and start conversations with friends and other teammates to raise awareness about hazing and how to lead with compassion. I am forever grateful for the opportunities I have received and the future the program holds for me.


Join us in asking Congress to take

action to end hazing

Last month, John Tsialas and Flavia Tomasello joined a group of activists in Washington DC to advocate on behalf of the Stop Campus Hazing Act. We encourage you to learn more about how this act seeks to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding on campus hazing.

Please click on the link below to learn more.

Then, click below to urge your representative to support the Stop Campus Hazing Act.

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