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The “R” in the ATLF CLEARING Model

Being a leader is not about authority or holding power but about understanding and connecting to the needs of all individuals and creating safe spaces where members feel valued and supported to grow. Group leaders must consider their responsibility for the success and well-being of all members and align them with the vision and mission of the organization as a whole.


Leaders are responsible for treating all new and existing members with respect, building trust within their groups and organizations and welcoming new members in ways that create positive participation.


When leaders model responsibility, it serves as an example for other members to follow. Members can then take responsibility for their own actions and welfare, contribute to meaningful experiences for everyone, inspire shared responsibility and ensure a space for the best ideas to flourish.


Part of being a leader is about being aware of our own humanity.  As human beings, we all make mistakes, and it is in taking responsibility for those mistakes and learning from them, that our leadership becomes purposeful not only to ourselves as individuals but also to the group as a whole.  


Build your group as a model for the new era of healthy, inclusive, and positive experiences!



Choose to be a compassionate leader


·                Start a conversation with your teams about practicing responsibility

·                Lead your group by example, accepting your responsibilities

·                Consider how responsibility supports collaboration and belonging

·                Develop thoughtful procedures to keep members responsible

·                Establish shared agreements and communicate goals clearly

·                Create an environment of trust and shared responsibilities


Remember every action contributes to change.

Thank you for leading with compassion and responsibility!


CLEARING the way with Responsibility at Ransom Everglades


Led by our talented Ambassadors Lola and Christopher on January 16, the sophomore class at Ransom Everglades learned how embracing responsibility builds trust, enhances collaboration and encourages meaningful change.

As part of the Compassionate Leadership Program in place at Ransom, students focused on the topic of responsibility, one of the eight pillars of the program, interacted in discussion, engaged in activities and practiced responsibility in group settings.

We thank our Ambassadors for inspiring all who were present with enthusiasm and dedication to compassionate leadership and extend a special thank you to Mrs. Perez-Gonzalez and Mr. Adatto, for their warm welcome and support.


Empathy in Action: CLEARING the Way to Compassionate Leadership

On January 23, sophomores at Ransom Everglades explored how setting empathy in action builds strong, cohesive groups as outlined in the Compassionate Leadership program.

A huge thank you to Ambassadors Lucas and Christopher for facilitating this important module and empowering students to lead with compassion. Student reflections and plans for next steps are truly motivational.

Thanks to Mr. Adatto, Mrs. Perez-Gonzalez and the advisory team for their continued support.

We look forward to continuing to create safe spaces at Ransom Everglades and beyond, where we can all practice compassionate leadership.


Leading together with compassion!


To schedule a presentation at your school or your organization, please contact us via email at


 The ATLF Compassionate Leadership Program launched in January at Cushman Schools

We thank our Ambassador Ella for introducing us to her fellow students, the Class of 2025, and for sharing her keen interest to prevent hazing through compassionate leadership.

What an amazing group of young adults! The insights and reflections exchanged during our meeting on January 27, 2025 were truly inspiring.

A special thanks to Mrs. Geimer, Mr. Romanik, Mrs. Lange and all members of the counseling team for their warm reception and unwavering support of our programs. We have a penchant for our partnership with Cushman and all schools who share our mission and vision. Together we lead with love and compassion!

To learn about hosting a program, email

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